Mon Gateau Au Chocolat

Mon Gateau Au Chocolat by Ali El Safy

An absolutely wonderful cake; most traditionally served without icing. If you're including kids, might want to add your favorite, but I love it the "old school" way!

31 votes
Meat Lovers Chili

Meat Lovers Chili by J. Gino Genovesi

First Place Winner: Milan Ohio St. Anthony's Chili Cook off: First Place Winner (2012) Norwalk Ohio Chili Cook Off. This Chili is colorful, smooth yet meaty. Prepare and set aside: 1 1/2 lb. ground beef ( cooked and drained) 4 sun-dried sausages, peeled and cut into bite size 10-15 mini meatballs, baked and drained 10-15 mini…

1 vote

Gnocchi by J. Gino Genovesi

If you have never had gnocchi, you are in for a great dish. I refer to my dish as Gnocchi even though the dough contains no potatoes.. Many areas refer to this dish as Cavetelli. What ever they are called, they are a superior meal. When ever my children come home or during Easter and Christmas, this is what they ask for.…

1 vote
Appetizers from Valencia -Cod dumplings

Appetizers from Valencia -Cod dumplings by chefgonin

Valencia is a Mediterranean city in the cuisine culture is very important, do you know the Valencian recipes?, Discover them in

1 vote
Lemon-Cranberry Biscotti

Lemon-Cranberry Biscotti by J. Gino Genovesi

The biscotti had its origin in Roman times They are a dry, crunchy cookie that contains no fat and quite nourishing. .A food with sustenance and carried by the Roman Legions into battle; perhaps this action help fuel the expansion of the Roman Empire since they were so light and easy to carry into battle. The biscotti became…

1 vote
Healthy Italian Vegetable Saute Recipe

Healthy Italian Vegetable Saute Recipe by Claudia lamascolo

Ready to shed some of those Holiday pounds? Here is a healthy way to do it and still very delicious. Come join me in my quest to lose 10 pounds by eating healthy. Here is what I am eating these days. Add whatever you like.

1 vote