Angelina's Sunday Sauce (Il ragù della domenica)

Angelina's Sunday Sauce (Il ragù della domenica) by Frank Fariello

The constant fixture of Sunday dinners at nonna Angelina's house was il ragù della domenica or 'Sunday sauce'—also known as 'Sunday gravy'—the crowning glory of Italian American cooking. If it was not dressing the pasta, it was slathered in between the layers of the lasagne, with more served in a gravy boat for those who wanted to…

3 votes
Brasato al vino rosso (Beef Braised in Red Wine)

Brasato al vino rosso (Beef Braised in Red Wine) by Frank Fariello

There's nothing like a good pot roast on a cold winter's day! Though it may come as a surprise to some, Italians also make pot roast, which is known variously as brasato or stracotto, but with a 'continental' twist: the favorite cooking medium for Italian pot roast is red wine.

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Mezzelune al brasato (Half-moon Pasta filled with Braised Beef)

Mezzelune al brasato (Half-moon Pasta filled with Braised Beef) by Frank Fariello

Here's a wonderful way to 'recycle' leftover brasato (beef braised in red wine) or other pot roast—as a filling for stuffed pasta. In Piemonte, where this dish originates, the usual pasta to be stuffed with this brasato filling is actually agnolotti…

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Spaghetti alle vongole (Spaghetti with Clam Sauce)

Spaghetti alle vongole (Spaghetti with Clam Sauce) by Frank Fariello

A Friday night favorite at our place is spaghetti with clam sauce, one of the signature dishes of Neapolitan cuisine. It is surprisingly easy to make, fun (if a bit messy) to eat and—if you have some good, fresh clams on hand—really, really tasty.

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Tiella pugliese

Tiella pugliese by Frank Fariello

Even though my paternal grandfather was from Grumo Appula, a small town outside Bari in the southeastern Italian region of Puglia, I don't remember eating much pugliese food growing up. Other than a few dishes—orcecchiette with cime di rape (also known as broccoletti), that wonderful calzone di cipolla (onion pie) that I just recently…

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Pan-fried Soft Shell Crab with "Italian" Coleslaw

Pan-fried Soft Shell Crab with "Italian" Coleslaw by Frank Fariello

One of the things I miss most about Italy is the wonderful Mediterranean seafood. But there is at least one area where North America may best the old country--soft-shell crab, especially here on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay.Those of us living here are especially lucky to have the exquisite soft-shell blue crab, whose season begins…

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Maryland-style Crab Cakes

Maryland-style Crab Cakes by Frank Fariello

There are lots of ways of making crab cakes, but the basic ingredients are crab meat (obviously!), preferably either lump--which I used--or backfin, mayonnaise, egg and just enough bread crumbs to bind the mixture.

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How to Make Potato Gnocchi from Scratch

How to Make Potato Gnocchi from Scratch by Frank Fariello

It's not nearly as hard as you may think!

4 votes
How to Make Fresh Pasta

How to Make Fresh Pasta by Frank Fariello

When making fresh home-made egg pasta, variously known in Italian as pasta fresca or pasta fatta in casa or pasta all'uovo, I usually make life easy for myself by using my trusty KitchenAid mixer to form and knead the pasta dough and then the pasta attachments to roll out and cut the dough into various pasta shapes. An easy to…

2 votes
Roast Chicken With Cherry-Port Glaze

Roast Chicken With Cherry-Port Glaze by Danielle Pallaske

You guys should know by now that I just don't do boring chicken and this recipe that I created is no exception. The glaze adds that WOW! to roasted birds like you wouldn't believe. And when I want a kick I found that a little bid of chipotle in adobo is a perfect addition. Good creamy mashed potatoes and a veggie and you're all set.…

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