Raw Vegetable Salad for a Crowd

Raw Vegetable Salad for a Crowd by A.L. Wiebe

Like many of my recipes, this one has been hanging around since the '70's, and it is always a huge hit. I have never tried to alter it in any way, as I've never felt it needed it; but if anyone has any suggestions, fire away! It takes a bit of planning, as it needs to marinate overnight, but it's well worth it. Because it makes such…

3 votes
Asian-style Deep Fried Chicken Wings

Asian-style Deep Fried Chicken Wings by A.L. Wiebe

I have been making this version of chicken wings for years now, and they are always a hit. This is just the basic marinade recipe, so depending on my mood, I spice them up some with extra Sriracha sauce, maybe some garlic. Do what makes you happy, but enjoy and have fun with it. *P.S. this will likely destroy your deep-fry oil, so…

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Blackberry Vinegar

Blackberry Vinegar by A.L. Wiebe

I have been making this vinegar for years, and it can be used in such a variety of ways, that I really cannot imagine my pantry being without it. I use it as a salad dressing, with chicken, turkey, and fish dishes. You do not have to use blackberries, as raspberries work well in this too. I imagine that strawberries would be a…

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Baked Beans

Baked Beans by A.L. Wiebe

I found this recipe in an old recipe book from the 1940's when I was a young bride in the early 1970's. At the time, I thought, "wow this is ancient"! lol. Well, after my disastrous first meatloaf (came out the size of a hockey puck lol), I forged ahead and gave this a try. How brave, but I finally succeeded! This has never failed…

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Roasted Garlic Soup

Roasted Garlic Soup by A.L. Wiebe

I am not sure where this recipe came from before my uncle shared it with me...most likely some magazine or newspaper article. It is delicious and is lovely served in small amounts as an elegant first course, as it is very rich. I have served this with some grated Gruyere cheese on top, and it was wonderful too.

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Seafood Stuffed Mushroom Caps

Seafood Stuffed Mushroom Caps by A.L. Wiebe

You know that store bought Alfredo sauce? The stuff that kind've reminds me of wallpaper paste? Well, I've finally found a great use for it. If you feel like making your own Alfredo sauce, so much the better! This is a very simple recipe, with not too many ingredients in it, yet gets rave reviews time and time again.

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