When The Neighbors Give You Pears....

When The Neighbors Give You Pears.... by kathy gori

Our good friends and neighbors left the other day for France to attend her mothers' birthday and a general family reunion. What they left behind for us was several pounds of beautiful Bartlett pears. They'll be back an a couple of weeks but meanwhile they knew the fruit would just go to the birds if left on the tree, so while at a…

2 votes
Here's Where I Go Bananas!

Here's Where I Go Bananas! by kathy gori

Have you ever gone shopping and found yourself buying something, bringing it home sticking it in the closet and just keeping it there? Have you ever had one of those "what was I thinking?!" moments, where you wondered what the hell you were thinking when you bought something in "tangerine"??? Well, yes I've been guilty of all those…

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