It's In The Bag. Perfect Potatoes In 45 Minutes...No, Really!

It's In The Bag. Perfect Potatoes In 45 Minutes...No, Really! by kathy gori

As most food bloggers, I'm always searching for the glamour shot. Not for myself mind you, that coal barge sailed a long time ago. I'm looking for sexy food. I'm looking for the glimmer on a tomato, the flash of a fishes' scales, the beady dew drop on…

3 votes
The Buona Pasqua Lunch and The Secret Of No Stir Polenta

The Buona Pasqua Lunch and The Secret Of No Stir Polenta by kathy gori

Easter around our house is like the Tri-fecta of family holidays. Not only is there the big celebration of Easter, a huge deal in Italian households. But at Casa Gori, we also add in my parents anniversary and this year, my fathers' 91st birthday. Last year for his 90th, he got an iPod. Probably he was the oldest iPod owner out there…

7 votes