Caffè Shakerato

Caffè Shakerato by Frank Fariello

I had my first caffè shakerato on the beach at Rimini way back sometime in the mid-90s. The black richness of espresso served cold and frothy was a relevation, and I was instantly hooked. It is by far my favorite way to drink iced coffee.

3 votes
How to dress a salad in the Italian manner

How to dress a salad in the Italian manner by Frank Fariello

Making salad in the Italian manner, which can be nicely summed up by the following proverb: A ben condire l'insalata, ci vuole un avaro per l'aceto, un giusto per il sale e uno strambo per l'olio. Which, loosely translated, means: "to properly dress a salad, you need a miser to add the vinegar, a judge to add the salt and a…

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