Meatless Humpday! Not Your Grandpas' Spinach Salad!

Meatless Humpday! Not Your Grandpas' Spinach Salad! by kathy gori

Who says the only meatless day is Monday? The middle of the week, when things get crazy is also the time for something fast and simple that doesn't involve turning on the stove. This is about a spinach salad that makes up in minutes, has interesting flavors and is not like your average spinach salad. I learned about this from one of…

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Meatless And Heatless, Raw Foods Are Cool, Literally. An Easy Summer Salad!

Meatless And Heatless, Raw Foods Are Cool, Literally. An Easy Summer Salad! by kathy gori

Even though it's Wednesday I can't stop thinking about Meatless Monday. One factor that's got me thinking about it is the approach of warmer weather though one would hardly guess it from the way things look around here. Just as I was about to step…

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How to dress a salad in the Italian manner

How to dress a salad in the Italian manner by Frank Fariello

Making salad in the Italian manner, which can be nicely summed up by the following proverb: A ben condire l'insalata, ci vuole un avaro per l'aceto, un giusto per il sale e uno strambo per l'olio. Which, loosely translated, means: "to properly dress a salad, you need a miser to add the vinegar, a judge to add the salt and a…

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