Stir Fried Rice lovers, you will remember this one...

Stir Fried Rice lovers, you will remember this one... by Nick Roche

If you are a rice lover, that's one thing; however, if you are a stir fried rice lover, this recipe creation propels this grain to a whole new level. And if you follow the preparation to a tee, this dish will take your taste buds to what they may consider taste bud heaven! Let's face it, things don't get much better to the palate…

2 votes
Kheemah Kheemah Kheehah Chamelion

Kheemah Kheemah Kheehah Chamelion by kathy gori

Ok, I'm sure I'm dating myself with that one. I remember when I was dancing around with one earring and big hair and leggings and I hadn't yet started cooking Indian food. But that's another tale for another time. Boy George aside... A got an email from a Facebook friend in the UK the other night. Evidently someone had gifted her and…

4 votes