High Fiber Vegan - Healthy Cream Of Corn

High Fiber Vegan - Healthy Cream Of Corn by A2Z Healthy Vegetarian Cuisine

Know What You Eat: What food is more synonymous with summer than freshly picked corn on the cob? Corn fiber is one of the keys to its well-documented digestive benefits as it supports the growth of friendly bacteria in our large intestine and can also be transformed by these bacteria into short chain fatty acids, hence reducing the…

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Vegan Japanese Cuisine: Yuzu Miso Dressing

Vegan Japanese Cuisine: Yuzu Miso Dressing by Robert-Gilles Martineau

Vegan and vegetarians do sometimes experience problems making dressings for their food. The Japanese have an easy and very tasty way to remedy for such an issue: Yuzu Miso Dressing/Lime and miso dressing!

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Sushi Rice: The Recipe

Sushi Rice: The Recipe by Robert-Gilles Martineau

I’ve been asked for some time about the secrets of making sushi rice, or “shari/シャリ in Japanese, but actually there are no real secrets, only a method. The following recipe is professional and involves a large volume. Think of a sushi party before preparing it. There are simpler versions (the Missus is particularly good at it!) and…

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Vegan Chinese Carrot Salad

Vegan Chinese Carrot Salad by Robert-Gilles Martineau

Chinese Cuisine, especially salads can be easily adapted for vegan and vegetarian priorities as shown in this simple and adaptable recipe!

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Vegan Japanese Cuisine: Dried Persimmon Appetizer

Vegan Japanese Cuisine: Dried Persimmon Appetizer by Robert-Gilles Martineau

If you cannot find fresh persimmons, you still can create great and simple appetizers with sun-dried ones! They make for very sweet preseve fruit but also combine so well with sour vegetables as an appetizer! Dried Persimmon Appetizer!

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Vegan Japanese Cuisine: Persimmon Salad

Vegan Japanese Cuisine: Persimmon Salad by Robert-Gilles Martineau

Persimmons are still found anywhere in Japan and more and more abroad. Sweet they might be but they do provide a great taste when combined in salads with supposedly sour ingredients. Here is a simple appetizer/salad recipe that should tempt everyone! Persimmon salad!

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Vegan Japanese Cuisine: Triple-Taste Aubergines/Egg-Plants

Vegan Japanese Cuisine: Triple-Taste Aubergines/Egg-Plants by Robert-Gilles Martineau

As I already repeated time and time again, the Japanese cuisine/gastronomy has a lot to offer to vegans and vegetarians for the simple reason that such priorities are typical of the Buddhist monks (I mean the real ones!) in this country. Here is a very simple but very Japanese recipe with aubergines/egg plants: Triple-Taste…

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VEGAN JAPANESE CURRY by Robert-Gilles Martineau

The Japanese use the word “curry” for almost anything Indian in concept, although most of the curries eaten in Japan are more of Thai origin than else. One more reason to wonder about the word “cyrry”!LOL This recipe, simple and very Japanese makes use of ingredients that should please any culinary priority! Serve it with plain…

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