Recipes by Trix (Page 2)

United States United States Chef

White Beans with Rosemary, Tomato Candy, & Roasted Garlic {A 5:2 Diet Dinner}

White Beans with Rosemary, Tomato Candy, & Roasted Garlic {A 5:2 Diet Dinner} by Trix

I generally cannot stand the idea of diets. There's always something you're supposed to cut out forever and ever. Going Paleo? Buh-bye pasta and grains. Doing the Eat to Live thing? No more steak or cheese for you, and I hope you really - and I mean…

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Romesco Sauce with Charred Onions: an Authentic Catalonian Recipe

Romesco Sauce with Charred Onions: an Authentic Catalonian Recipe by Trix

One of the things I love most about travel is - surprise! - eating, drinking, and tasting a variety of new dishes and flavors. I am especially happy when I get the opportunity to chat with chefs and restaurant owners and, if possible, come away with an…

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Stuff It! Focaccia Stuffed with Genoa Salami, Provolone, & Olives

Stuff It! Focaccia Stuffed with Genoa Salami, Provolone, & Olives by Trix

The theme for the July Creative Cooking Crew Challenge, hosted as always by the lovely and talented Joan of Foodalogue and Lazaro of Lazaro Cooks, was simply this: stuff it. As cooking themes go, it doesn't get much more wide open than that.And so, as…

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Through a Bowl, Darkly: Garlicky Mussels with Squid Ink Linguine

Through a Bowl, Darkly: Garlicky Mussels with Squid Ink Linguine by Trix

I was binge watching Hannibal when I got the idea for this dish. I have always been drawn to fiction that intelligently explores the dark side of human nature and the allure of so-called "evil." Visually the show is lush and cinematic, and Mads…

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Herby Chicken Verde: A Summer Plateful of Green

Herby Chicken Verde: A Summer Plateful of Green by Trix

Color. That is the theme of this month's Creative Cooking Crew challenge, hosted as always by the lovely and talented Joan of Foodalogue and Lazaro of Lazaro Cooks. That is, color, singular, not plural - as in, participants have been tasked with creating a dish featuring one and only one color as the primary focus.I had big ideas. I…

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Spiked Strawberry Rhubarb Lemonade

Spiked Strawberry Rhubarb Lemonade by Trix

Ah, summer picnics. Humidity, sunburn, flies, mosquitos, ants, warm beer, screaming children, and the threat of listeria in every mayonnaise-soaked bite. When it's a million degrees outside, I would really prefer to eat inside. There's only one way to get through these sweaty ordeals of Americana: drink.And so this is why, when the…

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Bravas Sauce & Leek Tortilla Pinchos, An Altogether Different Sort of BLT

Bravas Sauce & Leek Tortilla Pinchos, An Altogether Different Sort of BLT by Trix

This month's Creative Culinary Crew challenge, hosted as ever by the lovely and talented Joan of Foodalogue and Lazaro of Lazaro Cooks, was deceptively simple: Come up with a new version of the classic BLT sandwich. The catch? Participants were…

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Portugese Aletejana: A Bold Dish of Pork & Clams

Portugese Aletejana: A Bold Dish of Pork & Clams by Trix

As melodious food pairing names go, "pork and clams" just doesn't have the same ring as, say, "champagne and caviar," "wine and cheese," or even "peanut butter and jelly." But don't be put off. The poetry on the plate that results when these two ingredients come together in one dish more than makes up for its slightly clunky name.I…

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