Recipes by Denise Sakaki (Page 3)

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FoodTrek: To Put On Your (next) Holiday Wish List - Cornucopia

FoodTrek: To Put On Your (next) Holiday Wish List - Cornucopia by Denise Sakaki

So, here's to all the OCD longterm planners and wishlist-makers out there, already looking for something to do for next fall - Cornucopia Twenty-Fifteen, LIVE THE DREAM! I wish I had my own Flux Capacitator-installed DeLorean, so that I could have…

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Mixed Plate: Holi-DIY and Resource Guide

Mixed Plate: Holi-DIY and Resource Guide by Denise Sakaki

Well, it's official - it's December and you just can't escape the fact that THE HOLIDAYS ARE TOTALLY EFFING HERE (and they're calling from inside the house!). Nevermind the fact that Costco has been selling Christmas wrapping since August. I'm here to help you on this whirlwind of Holiday Madness by sharing my Jedi Master Wasabi DIY…

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Mixed Plate: A Mushroom, a Boat, a Whale, and a Walrus Walk Into the Kitchen...

Mixed Plate: A Mushroom, a Boat, a Whale, and a Walrus Walk Into the Kitchen... by Denise Sakaki

Tis the season for cookbooks in bloom! I know most people fall into one of a few categories when it comes to cookbooks: A) The Casual Collector, usually gifted most of their books by friends/family who know them best, and the books' subjects tend to…

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OMG a Spoooooooooky Recipe: Bloody Good Blood Orange Cocktail for All Hallow's Eve

OMG a Spoooooooooky Recipe: Bloody Good Blood Orange Cocktail for All Hallow's Eve by Denise Sakaki

Per usual, my Halloween preparation relies on The Addams Family movies. Someone asks Wednesday Addams, wearing her everyday Little Girl Goth ensemble on Halloween, who she's supposed to be. Actress Christina Ricci's perfect deadpan voice replies: "I'm…

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UnRecipe: To Manti!

UnRecipe: To Manti! by Denise Sakaki

Stupid/Nerdy Movie Reference Moment: that part in The Golden Child, where Eddie Murphy is performing all these different trials to earn the right to wield some mystical knife, so that he can save the Golden Child from a demonic captor (who also happens to be on Game of Thrones, as Tywin Lannister). I'm not making this up, People Who…

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Mixed Plate: Happy Brocktoberfest!

Mixed Plate: Happy Brocktoberfest! by Denise Sakaki

Oktoberfest is upon us... even though in Munich, it's typically celebrated in September. Confused yet? The first celebration in Bavaria was to mark the wedding of Crown Prince Ludwig in 1810, on October 12th, and there was much prolonged merriment that followed. The creeping start time that eventually pushed this festival a month…

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FoodTrek: Eat, Drink, Be Merry - Repeat as Necessary

FoodTrek: Eat, Drink, Be Merry - Repeat as Necessary by Denise Sakaki

It's no secret that I've been fully appreciating the fact that my schedule has been freed up considerably. Granted, it's at the expense of a sad loss that still makes my heart heavy -- I miss you forever, Indy! But being out and about, reconnecting with friends and just getting back into the social network of Seattle's food and drink…

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OMG a Recipe: Adventures in Cocktail Garnishes

OMG a Recipe: Adventures in Cocktail Garnishes by Denise Sakaki

Summer, we just CAN'T QUIT YOU. And why should we? It's still lovely outside. The heat has finally calmed to a comfortable warmth, but with just enough coolness in the evening to warrant a cozy blanket while we watch the stars come out. While I've done the typical avoidance of a hot stove/oven for the last few months, it gives me…

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UnRecipe: Challa-back Girl

UnRecipe: Challa-back Girl by Denise Sakaki

Hello, my name is Wasabi and I'm a Stress Baker. It's certainly not an unfamiliar means to combat anxiety, and to be honest, it's a great motivator to try new, overly complex things. In this case, I learned to make the traditional Jewish bread, challah. To which we all love to shout, "Challllllahhhhh!" like we're in a Missy Elliot…

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UnRecipe: Live Every Day Like it's Aloha Friday

UnRecipe: Live Every Day Like it's Aloha Friday by Denise Sakaki

My last Locomoco Craving created a Northwesternized version, using wilted kale, shallots, some mushrooms, and a pan gravy that was a mad mix of everything. I used pan drippings from the burgers being cooked,. some reduced poultry stock, a few shakes of Worcestershire sauce, some porcini powder -- basically anything in the pantry to…

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