Amazing Zucchini Pie

Amazing Zucchini Pie by Salad Foodie

I came by this recipe from the Parents Action for Children web site, and as the name suggests, it is indeed “amazing.” Rather like a brunch quiche, this is one delicious way to serve summer’s bounty of zucchini. To simplify prep time, use a commercially prepared crust. Then just add a tossed salad and fruit for dessert!

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Veggie Dumplin Chowder

Veggie Dumplin Chowder by Suzi

I put this recipe on my web site for my daughter, Marie to make for her family, which was easier than telling her how to do it over the phone. The photo is hers and it looks like she added peas. I hate peas so I don't put them in. Traditionally this is as good ole Southern dish better known as Chicken and Dumplings, but being a…

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