Cold Angel Hair Pasta in Truffle Oil with Abalone and Caviar

Cold Angel Hair Pasta in Truffle Oil with Abalone and Caviar by Blackswan

Foodies, here’s another Christmas recipe to serve up a gastronomic meal. Combining all the extravagant ingredients, the chilled pasta is drenched in a fragrant Truffle Oil, teasing the palates of your guests even before they arrive on the table.

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Hello Kitty Bento Box

Hello Kitty Bento Box by Blackswan

Following my posts on Angry Birds Onigiri Bento Box, people went wild! I’ve many requests to make these cute Japanese rice balls for them. One of them is my good friend, Doris. Since her birthday was approaching, I decided to make her a Kitty Bento Box.

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Angry Birds Onigiri Bento Box (おにぎり)

Angry Birds Onigiri Bento Box (おにぎり) by Blackswan

An idea struck me when it was my son’s lunch box day on Fridays. Jon loves Onigiri, so I decided to make him an Angry Birds Lunch Box! Angry Birds Bento Box for a 16-yr-old boy? Never mind, his mum is a big kid too! Guess what? It was my hubby who was more impressed & “snatched” the lunch box from Jon! Yes, Ken brought these Angry…

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Wafu Spaghetti in Colourful Capsicum Cups

Wafu Spaghetti in Colourful Capsicum Cups by Blackswan

Don’t you think that these Bell Pepper Cups look stunning? The vibrant colours are perfect for festive occasions. Chinese New Year is fast approaching. Why don't you try your hands at this tasty recipe that's filled with all the goodness?

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The Legend of Pipa Tofu & My Birthday!

The Legend of Pipa Tofu & My Birthday! by Blackswan

Yes, it's my birthday today! To thank all my friends & bloggers for their warmth wishes @ Facebook & to reward readers for their support to this site, I’m gonna introduce you to one of my family's favourite dish. This is also the fave food of one of the China’s Four Great Beauties, Xi Shi (西施). She is said to be “so entrancingly…

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Kero-Keropi Twin-Pasta

Kero-Keropi Twin-Pasta by Blackswan

Almost all kids dislike vegetables & my son was no exception when he was younger. Try creating fanciful cartoon characters to divert their attention, it always work. I would use lots of vegetables & “mould” them into cute little shapes to add them to my son’s dishes those days. I haven’t made these cartoon stuff for a long time as…

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How To Cook Paper Chicken

How To Cook Paper Chicken by Blackswan

Be intrigued when you’re served a mysterious looking transparent packet. Upon opening it, you would’ve discovered a tasty-seasoned deep-fried chicken. Paper-wrapped chicken is a popular Chinese dish that is enjoyed throughout China, Hong Kong, Singapore etc. Once the wrapped chicken pieces are deep-fried, the marinade caramelized…

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Szechwan Dusted Ahi Tuna

Szechwan Dusted Ahi Tuna by Alex Marsh

This is a signature dish at Brick; there's a wonderful contrast between the seared ahi tuna and the lentils.

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Carne a la Gringo

Carne a la Gringo by Gene Sakahara and Sam Bozzo

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Weir Dough for Pizza

Weir Dough for Pizza by Joanne Weir

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