«Polpetielli» affogati (Baby Octopus Braised in Tomato Sauce)

«Polpetielli» affogati (Baby Octopus Braised in Tomato Sauce) by Frank Fariello

Octopus is a popular food all around the Mediterranean basin and yet elsewhere it is often, for some reason, 'controversial'. Many people who will happily scarf down fried calamari will shudder at the thought of eating its close cousin, which is too…

5 votes
Insalata di riso (Summer Rice Salad)

Insalata di riso (Summer Rice Salad) by Frank Fariello

Mid-August, when the temperatures climb to tropical heights, is a time when the enthusiasm of even the most avid cook can begin to wane. Italians often turn to easily prepared dishes that need minimal or no actually cooking. Salads are an obvious choice, and rice salads are a favorite. Not only are they delicious, but they are easy to…

3 votes
Baccalà alla napoletana

Baccalà alla napoletana by Frank Fariello

Baccalà, or salted codfish, marries especially well with tomatoes, and the marriage reaches its apogee of deliciousness in the summer, when tomatoes are at their best. And who does tomatoes better than the people of Campania, home to Italy's best tomatoes? Baccala alla napoletana, Naples-style codfish, is a simple dish of bold…

2 votes
Spaghetti alla cipolla rossa e alici

Spaghetti alla cipolla rossa e alici by Frank Fariello

This was not a dish my grandmother Angelina ever made, as far as I know, but it is certainly the kind of pasta-cum-vegetable dish that formed the foundation of her culinary repertoire. The robust flavor and texture of the onion and anchovy sauce would go well with other long pasta shapes like linguine or even bucatini.

1 vote
Filetti di pesce all'acqua pazza

Filetti di pesce all'acqua pazza by Frank Fariello

Acqua pazza, or 'crazy water' is the humorous term for an extremely easy, but tasty way to poach fish--or, more specifically, to the poaching liquid.

4 votes
Spaghetti alle vongole (Spaghetti with Clam Sauce)

Spaghetti alle vongole (Spaghetti with Clam Sauce) by Frank Fariello

A Friday night favorite at our place is spaghetti with clam sauce, one of the signature dishes of Neapolitan cuisine. It is surprisingly easy to make, fun (if a bit messy) to eat and—if you have some good, fresh clams on hand—really, really tasty.

1 vote