Mulligatawny Soup Recipe

Mulligatawny Soup Recipe by Hina Gujral

Mulligatawny Soup is an English soup recipe with origins in Indian cuisine. To be more precise the roots of its origin are in the Anglo-Indian Cuisine developed during the British Raj in India. The name originates from the Tamil words millagai/milagu and thanni and can be translated as “pepper water”. Many relate Mulligatawny Soup…

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Broccoli and Mushroom Soup Recipe

Broccoli and Mushroom Soup Recipe by Hina Gujral

In this cold, spine-chilling weather nothing seems to be more soothing than a bowl of hot and steaming soup. Broccoli and Mushroom Soup is one such soup recipe for winters. It is rich in iron and low on the calorie count. It takes no time to make Broccoli and Mushroom Soup from scratch at home plus it keeps your family on a healthy…

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Curried Pumpkin Soup

Curried Pumpkin Soup by Hina Gujral

Curried Pumpkin Soup is packed with goodness of pumpkin, carrot and apple flavored with whole spices and a dash of curry powder. For the first time I tried apple in a soup and I really liked the taste, apple added a hint of tartness and sweetness to the flavor profile of the soup, which was complimenting the character of whole spices…

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Avegolemono by Denise Sherin

Greek Lemon Chicken Soup. This is a wonderful soup if you love lemon flavor. It's a creamy, rich, acidic soup that our family loves. Use fresh lemon only for the lemon juice, this is not a place for bottled lemon. This recipe calls for yolks only use the egg whites to make a meringue for another dish. I usually double or triple…

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Cream of Garlic Soup

Cream of Garlic Soup by Hina Gujral

Unlike French Onion Soup onions need not to be browned over a low flame for this recipe therefore I consider it a great quick weeknight soup also. Meanwhile you are preparing for the main course the soup is ready and then the whole family can sit around, enjoy soup and share how was the day.

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Scouse by Colin Callan

Scouse was brought to Liverpool by Northern European sailors, it was originally called Labskause or lobskause. This was finally shortened to Skause and over time the spelling changed to the more Anglicised version we know and love today, Scouse. Interesting Note: The Danish name is "skipper labskovs". In Swedish, it's "kallops".…

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