Finger Lickin' Good Stewed Quince Dessert

Finger Lickin' Good Stewed Quince Dessert by Gourmandelle LifestyleBlog

I can't say I'm a huge fan of quinces. I don't like them raw but cooked are absolutely amazing! This is a very easy dessert and the abundance of flavors will amaze you! It is perfect for this season. Do you know other ways to cook quinces? I'd love to try different hot desserts using this lovely fruit. Looking forward to your…

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Raw Vegan Cranberry Brownie

Raw Vegan Cranberry Brownie by Gourmandelle LifestyleBlog

I love desserts and because I often eat sweets, I prefer them raw. We all know that all sweets are high in calories, but making mostly raw desserts makes me feel good and guilt-free; this way I know I get plenty of vitamins, minerals and other great nutrients and so I ignore the calories. Another thing I love about raw desserts is…

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Black Bean Veggie Nuggets

Black Bean Veggie Nuggets by Gourmandelle LifestyleBlog

This recipe resembles the traditional Romanian meat nuggets recipe which honestly is delicious but really unhealthy. I used a very small amount of oil, gluten free flour and black beans which are a lot better than the white ones because they contain more fibers and have an impressive amount of antioxidants.

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Potato Salad

Potato Salad by Gourmandelle LifestyleBlog

This salad was delicious! She cooked it yesterday and made a big bowl that could feed over 6 people but because it was so good we (my dad and I) finished almost the entire bowl in just a few hours. I decided this morning to post the recipe because it was so tasty that it must be shared with you. Fortunately, there was a small bowl…

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Autumn in a plate - Oven Roasted Vegetables

Autumn in a plate - Oven Roasted Vegetables by Gourmandelle LifestyleBlog

I love roasted vegetables; so easy to make, so simple and yet so delicious. Of course raw vegetables are a lot healthier than cooked ones but sometimes you just need a hot meal right?! Anyway this dish is very healthy, low in calories, low in fat and also low in sodium, diet friendly and it is very filling too.

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Crepe Rolls with Chocolate Cream, Chestnut Puree and Plum Jam

Crepe Rolls with Chocolate Cream, Chestnut Puree and Plum Jam by Gourmandelle LifestyleBlog

The great thing about it is that you can use any filling you like. I used homemade chocolate cream, chestnut puree and plum jam. All these fillings are very healthy and sugar-free. I’ll post their recipes in the near future.

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Black Linguini with Green Veggies

Black Linguini with Green Veggies by Gourmandelle LifestyleBlog

I was really hungry today and I wanted to cook something tasty but fast. I’ve been eating eggs for the past 2 days because I had no time for cooking, fortunately today is not such a stressful day. I found a pack of black linguini in my pantry. I never cooked linguini before and I decided to give it a try. I know that black linguini…

4 votes
Baked Carrot Frittata

Baked Carrot Frittata by Gourmandelle LifestyleBlog

First of all, this recipe isn’t vegan. As you know I am not totally vegan and honestly I don’t think I’ll ever be. I love eggs and in my opinion there is absolutely nothing unhealthy about eggs as long as they’re from hens that were not given any growth hormones or that were not fed with chemicals. Fortunately, I have a family friend…

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Chocoplums by Gourmandelle LifestyleBlog

As you probably noticed already, I like easy, quick and healthy desserts. This is one of them. It took me exactly 3 minutes to make these delicious chocoplums. I usually eat dark chocolate because it is healthier (don't tell, but sometimes I can't help myself and I eat regular milky chocolate, fortunately this rarely happens).…

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Romanian Eggplant Salad

Romanian Eggplant Salad by Gourmandelle LifestyleBlog

This is a traditional recipe that my mother taught me. Below is the whole recipe, including the grilling part. Trust me it is delicious, but be careful to follow all steps because it can easily turn into a mess!

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