Sweet Potato Nutella Rolls

Sweet Potato Nutella Rolls by Carolinaheartstrings

Okay, okay I admit it. I am a Nutella junkie. I have to be very careful and eat it sparingly, but I do, occasionally as a treat and I have to also admit that I generally just eat it on a spoon. Why waste time with some other vehicle for this ooey gooey goodness. I have not delved into the world of baking with Nutella. Until now.…

2 votes
Creole Perfect Sweet Potato Pie

Creole Perfect Sweet Potato Pie by Amos Miller

I have made this recipe for years. There is none better - or so I've been told by some serious and knowing Creole cooks. And while some may say "Well, it sounds just like a pumpkin pie recipe", they are sorely mistaken. This, my friends, is a Creole Sweet Potato Pie. This is the way to eat your vegetables! Vegetables and…

2 votes