Tea-Time Orange Cake Recipe

Tea-Time Orange Cake Recipe by Hina Gujral

With some Kinnow Oranges in hand, the first and the obvious recipe choice was a Tea-Time Orange Cake. The tanginess of oranges, the subtle sweet notes and the bitterness of orange zest make this Orange Cake a perfect tea time treat.

3 votes
A Delectable Birthday Decadence

A Delectable Birthday Decadence by Nathan Willow

"To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour." William Blake said it best in this poem about being a child. Celebrate your child's first birthday with this chocolate cake recipe. Feel like a child with this rich, luscious, creamy, mouth-watering,…

1 vote
Yummy Chocolate Treats for my Sugar and Spice

Yummy Chocolate Treats for my Sugar and Spice by Nathan Willow

My, how time flies when you're raising a baby, doesn't it? And now your baby is having a first birthday! What to do! You want to make it extra special, memorable and most of all, chocolaty personal. So which cake to bake? Most store-bought chocolate cake recipes have the same basic ingredient: chocolate of course. What you need to do…

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Mouthwatering Chocolate Cake in no Time

Mouthwatering Chocolate Cake in no Time by Nathan Willow

There's something to be said for simplicity. In this age of technological breakthroughs, it's kind of refreshing to sit here and share a cake recipe that's been in my family for decades. My grandmother used to make this chocolate cake recipe—it's certainly a classic. This is a plain chocolate cake recipe, so feel free to dress it up…

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Cute Monkey Face Cake Design

Cute Monkey Face Cake Design by Nathan Willow

This cute and smiling monkey face 1st birthday chocolate cake recipe will be a hit at your child's first birthday party and earn you many smiling and frosting-covered faces. this 1st birthday cake recipe will surely make your child's birthday extra special.

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Turn Your Healthy Carrots into a Delicious Dessert

Turn Your Healthy Carrots into a Delicious Dessert by Nathan Willow

Carrots are a rich source of vitamin A, which is very good for our eyes. Carrot is also considered very healthy in fighting off infection, reducing acne and boosting immunity. However, eating carrots in the raw form or vegetable form can get a little monotonous over time. To help you make healthy carrots more interesting, here is an…

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