Recipes by sanjeeta kk (Page 8)

India India Chef

Food Styling | Sweet and Sour Fenugreek Relish – My breakfast recipes on the go

Food Styling | Sweet and Sour Fenugreek Relish – My breakfast recipes on the go by sanjeeta kk

“When you take the step towards your dreams, you will be met with fears because you have never traveled this way before. As you go, you will discover that you had nothing to fear.” ~ Gardner“Have you done styling for any beverage company before” asked…

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Recipes | Yogurt and three Indian Curries – Time Management in my kitchen – II

Recipes | Yogurt and three Indian Curries – Time Management in my kitchen – II by sanjeeta kk

Continued from here…Here are a few easy yogurt based recipes from my treasure of ‘time-management in kitchen’. These recipes make sure that my cooking time is saved without compromising on the nutrient quotient of the food I prepare for my family.1.…

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Recipes | Yogurt and a few Indian Curries – Time Management in my kitchen

Recipes | Yogurt and a few Indian Curries – Time Management in my kitchen by sanjeeta kk

Not so long ago, mornings at home used to be quiet and slow. There was ample time to go for a brisk walk, get fresh vegetables en route, sit back, read newspaper and relax with a cup of tea.Five years of online journey and suddenly life has become so…

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Recipes |Four Easy & Healthy Indian Curries with Amaranth leaves, Lentils and Bean Sprouts

Recipes |Four Easy & Healthy Indian Curries with Amaranth leaves, Lentils and Bean Sprouts by sanjeeta kk

While the lentils cooked, I started chopping the red Amaranth on my cutting board watching the two tiny squirrels play catch-me-if-you-can on the mango tree from my kitchen window.As I stood there silent, my mind began to wander and I started…

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Recipes |Indian Spiced Wheat-Germ Muffins and Finger Millet Cookies – Food brings people together

Recipes |Indian Spiced Wheat-Germ Muffins and Finger Millet Cookies – Food brings people together by sanjeeta kk

‘Friendship is horizon – Which expands whenever we approach it.’ ~ E R Harlip.Thanks to food blogging, each day given to me is a blessing. I breath, talk, walk and dream about my blog every moment and my friend circle is brimming with enthusiastic food…

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Recipes | Healthy Sweet Empanadas or Gujiyas and A refreshing Drink, Thandai – Celebration of colours and nostalgia

Recipes | Healthy Sweet Empanadas or Gujiyas and A refreshing Drink, Thandai – Celebration of colours and nostalgia by sanjeeta kk

“Mom, what is Holi and why is it celebrated?” asked my daughter the other day.“Festivals are an integral part of Indians. Though the rituals and customs to celebrate these festivals vary from one region to another, the spirit of festivity remains the…

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Recipe | Panjiri - A Nourishing Indian Dessert

Recipe | Panjiri - A Nourishing Indian Dessert by sanjeeta kk

The Panjiri is a winter specialty made in many houses in North and West India. This dessert is heavily laced with dried fruit and nuts and many other medicinal herbs to boost immune system and provide extra calories to sustain the extreme cold conditions there.In many parts of India Panjiri is given to new mothers as an aid to…

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Recipes | Fresh Garbanzo Beans or Lilva Curry with Sweetcorn Flatbread- Hold on to our past through food

Recipes | Fresh Garbanzo Beans or Lilva Curry with Sweetcorn Flatbread- Hold on to our past through food by sanjeeta kk

“A mother’s love, it knows no end. It begins with a dream, with a silent wish, and it never ever ends.” ~ Kelly.“What do you want from Udaipur, Gaurav is coming to your city next week” this was the 10th time mom asked me over phone.“I get everything…

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Recipes | Millet Flat-bread and Garlic Spread – The delightful world of food blogs

Recipes | Millet Flat-bread and Garlic Spread – The delightful world of food blogs by sanjeeta kk

Thanks to some real-life social engagements, I went off-line for a couple of days and enjoyed the leisure time with family and friends. The self-exile did help in bringing some balance back into life .Getting back to work again after a break can feel…

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Recipes | Two Easy & Healthy Avocado Desserts – Food is the Most Delicious Expression of Emotions

Recipes | Two Easy & Healthy Avocado Desserts – Food is the Most Delicious Expression of Emotions by sanjeeta kk

Confused and lost, I looked at the bowl of ‘green slush’ on my kitchen counter, again and again.Hmm…only a magic wand can transform this into a decadent dessert. Should I follow the recipe or leave it just at that.Avocado is not a fruit I grew up…

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