Recipes by sanjeeta kk (Page 7)

India India Chef

Recipe | Fresh Plum and Almond Pudding aka Aloobukhara Phirni and a contest on IFBM

Recipe | Fresh Plum and Almond Pudding aka Aloobukhara Phirni and a contest on IFBM by sanjeeta kk

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough” ~ OprahBack then I had loads of time in hand. My home and life was well organized and I never knew what ‘racing…

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Recipe | Fresh Plums and Tofu Kofta Curry with Tawa Pulav – My race against time

Recipe | Fresh Plums and Tofu Kofta Curry with Tawa Pulav – My race against time by sanjeeta kk

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough” ~ OprahBack then I had loads of time in hand. My home and life was well organized and I never knew what ‘racing…

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Recipes | Instant Oats Idly Satay with crunchy peanut sauce – Coming out of the comfort zone again

Recipes | Instant Oats Idly Satay with crunchy peanut sauce – Coming out of the comfort zone again by sanjeeta kk

“Life has many ways of testing a person’s will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen all at once.” ~ Paulo CoelhoLife throws challenges when we least expect it. I received a call from ‘Deccan Chronicle’, an Indian daily…

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Recipes | Healthy Indian snack called Muthiya and an exciting food blogger meet

Recipes | Healthy Indian snack called Muthiya and an exciting food blogger meet by sanjeeta kk

I have been attending many blogger conferences over the last few years but have never been so excited for a meet, ever. Yes, I am referring to IFBM here, our very first Food blogger meet at Bangalore next month.IFBM meet is organized by four talented…

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Recipes | Finger Millet Bread and Wheat Bran Slices – When the going gets tough, bake a bread

Recipes | Finger Millet Bread and Wheat Bran Slices – When the going gets tough, bake a bread by sanjeeta kk

I picked up the bowl, pulled out the soft & sticky dough, placed it on my wooden board and started punching it vigorously.Yes, you got it right, I am baking bread again. Well, with the dates of an important family function nearing, bread making should…

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Travel | Just another weekend in Yercaud

Travel | Just another weekend in Yercaud by sanjeeta kk

Every travel leaves you with some unforgettable travel experiences you would want to treasure for ever. And what better way to freeze those precious moments than writing a bogpost and reflecting on your travel time with family and friends.“We have a marriage invitation from my colleague in Metur city this weekend. Do your Google…

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Recipes | Healthy One-Pot-Meal and a Quick Indian Soup – Reflecting on our travel trails

Recipes | Healthy One-Pot-Meal and a Quick Indian Soup – Reflecting on our travel trails by sanjeeta kk

Every travel leaves you with some unforgettable travel experiences you would want to treasure for ever. And what better way to freeze those precious moments than writing a bogpost and reflecting on your travel time with family and friends.“We have a…

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Recipes | Jailsalmeri Chane, Sindhi Kadhi and Tomato Kulcha – People don’t fail, they just stop trying

Recipes | Jailsalmeri Chane, Sindhi Kadhi and Tomato Kulcha – People don’t fail, they just stop trying by sanjeeta kk

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”~Winston Churchill.“Our company is into motion pictures and Ad making, are you interested in doing a project with us? If yes, we would like to meet you today, as…

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Recipes | Quick and Easy Indian Sago Desserts – Mail that brings a smile back

Recipes | Quick and Easy Indian Sago Desserts – Mail that brings a smile back by sanjeeta kk

A few days back, I was on my way to studio for a commercial photo shoot, wondering when was the last time that I clicked a photograph for my blog. Three non-stop photo shoots, some family commitments and it was becoming extremely exhausting for me to…

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Recipes | Ragi Idly or Steamed Indian Finger Millet Cakes with Chutneys – A way of life

Recipes | Ragi Idly or Steamed Indian Finger Millet Cakes with Chutneys – A way of life by sanjeeta kk

It was not so long ago when the idea of starting a food blog crossed my mind and since then, there was no looking back.A simple hobby which started with the percept of organizing recipes through a food blog has gradually metamorphosed into a memoir…

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