Recipes by Christine (Page 9)

Malaysia Malaysia Chef

Steamed Rice Topped with Chicken and Mushroom (Nasi Tim Ayam Jamur)

Steamed Rice Topped with Chicken and Mushroom (Nasi Tim Ayam Jamur) by Christine

I experimented making Indonesian style steamed rice topped with chicken and mushroom (Nasi Tim Ayam Jamur) for the first time yesterday. Different from Singapore or Malaysia's Chicken Rice, my version of this dish doesn't use any ginger.

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Lemon Cookies

Lemon Cookies by Christine

I had a dream of eating lemon cookies during my afternoon nap yesterday. This may sound crazy but once I woke up, I quickly browsed for lemon cookies recipes using my mobile phone although my eyes were just half-open. Minutes later, when I was fully awake, I really made the lemon cookies.

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Making Mini Coffee Cakes

Making Mini Coffee Cakes by Christine

Yesterday, my husband suggested that I should bake a coffee cake after I asked him to give me some ideas of cakes that I could make on Friday. I found lots of wonderful coffee butter cake recipes in the internet but most of the recipes required walnuts, pecans, sour cream and yoghurt as part of the ingredients and I didn't have all…

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Pandan Marble Butter Cake

Pandan Marble Butter Cake by Christine

I saw this recipe from someone's blog and was so tempted to immediately try making the cake myself. In the end, the cake was everyone's favourite.

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Making Favorite Pandan Chiffon Cake

Making Favorite Pandan Chiffon Cake by Christine

My husband loves chiffon cakes best. Since he told me that in general he only enjoys eating chiffon cakes and plain butter cakes, I felt compelled to bake a chiffon cake (again) for him.Although I have baked chiffon cakes many times before, this time around I wanted to experiment with different chiffon cake recipe that assures me with…

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Kolak by Christine

Two weekends ago, I made Kolak - a type of Indonesian dessert, that my Mom usually prepares for us back home.

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Scottish Shortbread

Scottish Shortbread by Christine

Tried making shortbread for the first time. Tasted more like butter cookies with crumbly texture.

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Making Steamed Brownies (Brownies Kukus)

Making Steamed Brownies (Brownies Kukus) by Christine

Steamed brownies (Brownies Kukus) first found their fame in Indonesia about twelve years ago after one bakery from Bandung introduced this cake. From that point on, a lot of people in Indonesia started to commercialize steamed brownies too.When I was randomly browsing for simple cake recipes in the internet yesterday, I bumped into…

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Making Madeleines

Making Madeleines by Christine

I had been longing to make madeleines or small French Sponge Cake for quite some time. All this while, I postponed the idea of making madeleines because I could not find the shell shaped molds typically designed for madeleines. I thought I would not be exactly baking madeleines if I didn't bake the cake in pans with shell-shaped…

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Making Traditional Kue Lapis

Making Traditional Kue Lapis by Christine

I experienced pregnancy breathlessness yesterday morning and must say that it gave me quite discomforts. While I tried to relax myself by doing nothing, the shortness of breath was still there. In the end, I decided to keep myself busy in the kitchen by testing some recipes instead of just sitting in front of my laptop or lying still…

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