Mon Gateau Au Chocolat

Mon Gateau Au Chocolat by Ali El Safy

An absolutely wonderful cake; most traditionally served without icing. If you're including kids, might want to add your favorite, but I love it the "old school" way!

31 votes
Semisweet Chocolate Mousse

Semisweet Chocolate Mousse by MyWeekend Plan

“Mousse au chocolat” is French for chocolate mousse. Ask anyone to describe a chocolate mousse and they will generally answer with a texture adjective “fluffy” or “airy.” Taste the sweetness of this classic dessert with every bite you take. Try to make your own semisweet chocolate mousse with this easy recipe today.

1 vote
Brown Sugar Caramel Souffles

Brown Sugar Caramel Souffles by Syi

I first made these in culinary school for extra credit with one of my Final Practical meals. *The cooking time noted reflects the (approximate) TOTAL cooking & baking times.

1 vote
Petits Choux au Fromage

Petits Choux au Fromage by Chef Smith

* A savory version of Pate A Choux that many upscale restaurants use as a filler at the beginning of a meal or as an appetizer for those who are waiting for their tables.

1 vote
Mini Quiche

Mini Quiche by Chef Smith

Most people believe that the quiche originates from France, and it is fair to say that in its traditional form, attributing origin to the French is quite correct. However, prior to French chefs concocting quiche, German chefs made an egg custard pie called kuchen, meaning cake. The German dish was baked in brioche dough, instead of…

1 vote