Hot Apple Toddy with Garam Masala

Hot Apple Toddy with Garam Masala by Hina Gujral

As a food lover for me monsoon means lot of spicy and comfort food, hot drinks and tons of finger food which I avoid during summer, reason my lost appetite in summer, which is now back with a bang. When I say hot drinks I mean I want all my drinks including cocktails to be served at room temperature, a glass of hot drink in one hand…

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Cream of Garlic Soup

Cream of Garlic Soup by Hina Gujral

Unlike French Onion Soup onions need not to be browned over a low flame for this recipe therefore I consider it a great quick weeknight soup also. Meanwhile you are preparing for the main course the soup is ready and then the whole family can sit around, enjoy soup and share how was the day.

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