The Great Spinach Switch. A Fast Easy Lighter Version Of An Old Favorite

The Great Spinach Switch. A Fast Easy Lighter Version Of An Old Favorite by kathy gori

Still getting whipped around by the weather here in Sonoma. We've gone from perfect warm spring weather to hail and rain, to sun lashed by cloudbursts and windy gusts. Last night my little olive tree blew over. Time to replant. This morning it's crisp,…

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Green Beans With Someting Extra! Plus A Giveaway!

Green Beans With Someting Extra! Plus A Giveaway! by kathy gori

I never was a big green bean fan growing up. Mainly because the beans I was usually served weren't green at all but rather grey and flabby, the 90 pound weaklings of beans. They didn't look like they were full of vitamins and raring to go to work on my system but rather as though they'd spent their short bean life couch-surfing and…

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beetroot raita (Step by Step with photo)

beetroot raita (Step by Step with photo) by swati paathak

Beetroot raita is a healthy and bright colored, beautiful looking raita. This pink colored raita is the best ever with Parathas or as a side dish along with your main course meal.

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Creamy Cauliflower And Lakers Magic!

Creamy Cauliflower And Lakers Magic! by kathy gori

One thing I love about fixing a tandoori chicken lunch is the simplicity. Once the chicken has been marinated, nothing goes better with this dish than a bread some pickled cucumbers and one veg. The most likely vegetable to find on my tandoori table is cauliflower. Especially when I can get a beautiful organic one for 99 cents!…

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Squash In A Spice Paste Done Pronto!

Squash In A Spice Paste Done Pronto! by kathy gori

This has been one hell of a week, one of those 7 day stretches that includes everything on lifes' smorgey...except dental. Of course the week's not over yet. It's been a week of some nerves, some loss, some traveling, some stress and the general sense of just being unable to catch up. That said, I can't wait for Monday to start the…

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Eat Your Lawn!

Eat Your Lawn! by kathy gori

There was a very fancy Chinese restaurant in Beverly Hills . One of the specialties was referred to as "fried greens". All the beautiful people would practically line up to make reservations and order the "fried greens". A secret recipe, they never told anybody what it was. Then one day someone mentioned how every Friday all the…

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