Low Carb Chocolate Almond Smoothie

Low Carb Chocolate Almond Smoothie by Todd Dosenberry

Perfect smoothie for low carb fans who love almonds and chocolate. Do I need to say more?

2 votes
Chocolate Avochio

Chocolate Avochio by Todd Dosenberry

Chocolate. Pistachios. Coconut water. Banana. Avocado. Ingredients that can make one hell of a smoothie. Not too sweet. It comes with 34 grams of carbs but 9 are fiber. It’s smooth and refreshing. It is chock full of vitamins and minerals.

2 votes
Vegan Chocolate Macadamia Smoothie

Vegan Chocolate Macadamia Smoothie by The Blender Girl

OK – So this shake is absolutely scrumptious. I cannot rave enough about it. This shake is decadent, rich, creamy, and delicious. If you want to make this shake colder, add in some ice cubes. If you want it richer, feel free to get a bit more heavy-handed with the Cocoa – that is for you self respecting chocoholics out there –…

1 vote