Grilled Mini Caprese Pizzas

Grilled Mini Caprese Pizzas by Robyn Medlin

Pizza is not just for ovens anymore. The grill is a great place to do pizza because you get nice grate marks on the dough that adds a nice touch as the grill actually cooks the pizza dough. These mini pizzas are easier to do because it is easier to flip multiple pizza dough disks than it is to do one gigantic piece of dough and…

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Simplicity by Alex Kemp

I had this one going one night when my mom was driving me home from cross country. She told me how she had forgotten about the dish she needed to bring to the party she was going to that night. I told her, "Well I can make something still, but we dont have any ingredients to make things". She said we couldnt go anywere because of the…

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