Raw Vegan Cranberry Brownie

Raw Vegan Cranberry Brownie by Gourmandelle LifestyleBlog

I love desserts and because I often eat sweets, I prefer them raw. We all know that all sweets are high in calories, but making mostly raw desserts makes me feel good and guilt-free; this way I know I get plenty of vitamins, minerals and other great nutrients and so I ignore the calories. Another thing I love about raw desserts is…

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100% Low-Fat Walnut & Oatmeal Brownie's..;)

100% Low-Fat Walnut & Oatmeal Brownie's..;) by shruthisingh4

Walnut Brownies have been my "Fav" since College...we'd get real yummy walnut brownies, and i'd load myself with them every time i'd go there...!! That's where my first love for brownies began....& the bhaiya there would even tempt me by asking shall i pour some hot chocolate sauce on this and i would never say no...!! "AJ"…

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