Strawberry Ice Cream

Strawberry Ice Cream by K. Garner

More like gelato because there is little cream in it. It really highlights the strawberries. You may reduce sugar if your strawberries are sweet already.

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Fried zucchini with mayo-dill sauce and tomato

Fried zucchini with mayo-dill sauce and tomato by Helenscooking

This is a traditional recipe in my family, as well as in pretty much any Ukrainian family fried zucchini with tomato and mayo-dill sauce. It’s resembles a lot the eggplant recipe, but, zucchini, as a base component gives it a different twist.

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Chocolate chip cookies, easier that buying:-)

Chocolate chip cookies, easier that buying:-) by Helenscooking

These chocolate chip cookies recipe were borrowed from website. I have changed the ingredients list a little bit, but the best part of this recipe is it’s very fast, very simple and may be cooked with your eyes closed. You kids will <3 this cookies, they are” crispy on the edges and chewy inside”, as the author Dora…

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Who knew Guacamole could be so easy (and tasty)?

Who knew Guacamole could be so easy (and tasty)? by Nick Roche

I must confess that I've never made Guacamole before. It has always been so convenient for others to make or bring to a party that it never really crossed my mind to do it myself; however, the other day there were two nice sized Avocados staring at me in the face on the kitchen counter, perfectly ripe, not too soft, not too hard. The…

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