Deviled Eggs

Deviled Eggs by Jenny

Deviled eggs are one of the party snacks that are easily prepared and people love them. I have here 3 options for their filling but the choices are endless and you can easily improvise by adding your favourite ingredients creating your unique version of this tasty snack!

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Mom’s Onions with eggs (A Scipuddata)

Mom’s Onions with eggs (A Scipuddata) by LinKev

(A scipuddata is a sicilian name for this recipe, it kind of means like an onion mix). This is a recipe that my mom used to make for us, she would make it for a quick lunch or a snack and of course sometimes for dinner too when we were on a budget. We didn’t mind it because we loved it. I still love it. Mom would serve it with…

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uovo strapazato alla panna acida

uovo strapazato alla panna acida by cinzia michela sechi

uovo con panna acida, pepe rosso ,parmigiano e erba cipollina

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Eggs stuffed with anchovies

Eggs stuffed with anchovies by Aherrera

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Mini Italian Quiches

Mini Italian Quiches by Sheryl Dennett

A delicious quiche inspired by the more traditional Italian Quiche but made into individual servings for parties, pot lucks and picnics! Or simply to have at home and enjoy with the family or take some to work with you!

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