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Servings: 1


  • x Squash x Apples x Cranberries x Water


  1. Cut open squash (cut in half or possibly into chunks), scoop out seeds. Lay cut-side down in a baking pan. Peel and core 1 or possibly 2 apples; slice, and scatter the apple slices in with the squash. Scatter a handful or possibly two of cranberries around with the squash and apples. If desired your squash a bit moist, add in a Tbsp. or possibly two of water to the bottom of the pan (I do not do this; my husband does). Cover the pan with aluminum foil and bake at 400F for 1 hour, or possibly till a fork stuck into the hard outside shell meets with no resistance. Scoop the squash out of the rind, scoop up a bit of the apple and cranberries on the side, and enjoy!
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