The Allergy-Prone’s Holy Grail: A Gluten Free, Egg Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Nut Free Chocolate Cupcake

The Allergy-Prone’s Holy Grail: A Gluten Free, Egg Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Nut Free Chocolate Cupcake by JoannE.

With all the food allergies that affect my immediate family, it is a wonder any food ever made it on the dinner table. Many of us plagued with food allergies often find more then just one food on their ‘Do Not Eat List.’ I have read hundreds of…

2 votes
Halibut Over Wilted Escarole

Halibut Over Wilted Escarole by JoannE.

Escarole has broad leaves and is less bitter then other members of the endive family. Despite the difference in appearance, it has almost the same taste as radicchio. High in folic acid, fiber, and vitamins A and K it thrives in the fall growing season *Sea Bass, Salmon or Tilapia can easily be substitute for halibut. The same 8…

3 votes