A Tale of Two Neighbors Or How Italian Peppers found Their Way Into Indian Food

A Tale of Two Neighbors Or How Italian Peppers found Their Way Into Indian Food by kathy gori

This isn't a very complicated story. It's mainly the tale of a small town (Sonoma). There are about 9,000 people in our town, pretty shocking when you've been living in LA for a loooooooong time, and were born and raised in San Francisco. Yes, quite a…

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Cauliflower, Baby Potatoes, and Heirloom Tomatoes, Oh My!

Cauliflower, Baby Potatoes, and Heirloom Tomatoes, Oh My! by kathy gori

I love vegetarian meals, hell, I love almost everything except mayonnaise which fortunately doesn't figure in Indian cooking. One of the greatest compliments I can get at home is when my husband says.."I'm a carnivore, but damn this is really really good. I could just eat this stuff." Of course "this stuff" is vegetables. This is the…

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When The Neighbors Give You Pears....

When The Neighbors Give You Pears.... by kathy gori

Our good friends and neighbors left the other day for France to attend her mothers' birthday and a general family reunion. What they left behind for us was several pounds of beautiful Bartlett pears. They'll be back an a couple of weeks but meanwhile they knew the fruit would just go to the birds if left on the tree, so while at a…

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How Dry I Am

How Dry I Am by kathy gori

Yesterday I posted a recipe that is considered a "wet" Vegetarian dish. So if the cauliflower is considered wet than what might you ask is "dry"? Dry is anything that has less of a liquid sauce, more of a thick sauce that clings to the vegetables, or many times spices and seasonings that roast onto them. I still had eggplants in the…

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Little Lamb Korma Who Made Thee....

Little Lamb Korma Who Made Thee.... by kathy gori

I love lamb. That wasn't always the case. I went from eating lots of lamb as a kid, usually roasted in the Italian style with garlic and rosemary. Also usually roasted in my mothers' style until it was a uniform drab overcooked grey. I won't even go into the vegetables that came along with this dish. Many years passed where I didn't…

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The Ones That Didn't Get Away!

The Ones That Didn't Get Away! by kathy gori

For those of you who have never experienced them, sardines don't just come in cans. I have to admit that's been my acquaintance with them for most of my life. Any Sardine that didn't have King Ottos'face on it. Never met him. So, years pass I have sardines in a Portuguese restaurant. Stupendous. A light goes on.Cook them myself…

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What To Do With Thoise Little Bags Of Shredded Cabbage They Sell At The Market

What To Do With Thoise Little Bags Of Shredded Cabbage They Sell At The Market by kathy gori

We've all seen those little bags of pre-shredded cabbage at the market. They're sold as coleslaw, usually with a little packet of dressing included. I must admit that yes, I've purchased these. I toss out the dressing and make my own coleslaw with it.…

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Easy Cheesy

Easy Cheesy by kathy gori

Who doesn't love cheese? Maybe that's why they always want us to say that word when we're having a picture taken. Cheese. Automatic smile. The Indians love Paneer cheese, the marinate it, roast it, stir fry it, shred it and even sweeten it and turn it into dessert, where it gets a new name... Chenna. However it all starts out as…

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Let's Have A Chat..the Easiest, Fastest Snackfood Ever!

Let's Have A Chat..the Easiest, Fastest Snackfood Ever! by kathy gori

Everybody likes snacks and every culture on the planet has them. Street food, finger food, the quick and dirty, sweet and greasy, salty and spicy, they're sold from pushcarts and stands, baskets in hands, and also in bazaars, bodegas and supermarkets all over the planet. These are the foods that mom always told you would spoil your…

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Gluten Free Dumpling Delights! Sweets Without The Wheat!

Gluten Free Dumpling Delights! Sweets Without The Wheat! by kathy gori

Almost everybody loves desserts, however not everybody loves what desserts do to them. I'm not talking here about the amazing expanding waistline, larger pants size problem. I talking about gluten intolerance. There are a lot of desserts that involve wheat flour and there's the rub. It's the gluten in the wheat that makes desserts…

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