Date and Walnut ChewsThis confection is perfect for special occasions or holiday socials. The dates provide chewy aspects while the nuts give it crunch! A sweet treat that is easy to make and keeps well. |
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Apple-Oatmeal CookiesThese soft, chewy cookies are perfect for filling the cookie jar. |
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Dessert Loaf Made with Yummy Bananas in a FlashDo you have time to make a quick banana bread recipe? If you have an extra 5 minutes to prepare it, 5 minutes to clean up, and about an hour that you could occupy yourself during while this bread recipe bakes, you’re in luck because I have an exceptionally quick banana bread recipe to share. It takes very few ingredients and is ready… |
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Cherry Winks ~ Classic CookiesThis is the original recipe for a cookie that won the 2nd Pillsbury Bake Off. They contain dates, pecans, maraschino cherries, cornflakes and a kiss of vanilla extract. I have followed the original recipe but you G-F members will see my modifications for you in the Ingredints below. I've adapted the recipe for gluten intolerant… |
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Tropical SnowdropsThe dried fruit can be anything you'd like, that's "Tropical". Cashews are also good to use.... |
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