Easy Breakfast Puffed Eggs

Easy Breakfast Puffed Eggs by RecipesnFood

Easy Breakfast Puffed Eggs

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Halloween Eerie Spider Deviled Eggs

Halloween Eerie Spider Deviled Eggs by RecipesnFood

It’s kind of ironic that I’m writing this particular post at the same time I’m figuring out that I’m intolerant to eggs. I hate to say it, but I just can’t eat eggs anymore.

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Best Deviled Eggs Recipe

Best Deviled Eggs Recipe by RecipesnFood

Best Deviled Eggs Recipe. Easter egg hunts and summer picnic potlucks. I have been known to devour a dozen of these in one sitting. These were quick and easy.

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Mini Mushroom Frittata

Mini Mushroom Frittata by Carolinaheartstrings

March is almost over and spring has sprung in the Carolinas! I hope wherever you live you are as lucky as we are to have such a beautiful spring season. This is a favorite time of year for me and I like nothing better than to be outside walking or getting my flower beds ready for all the lovely flowers that will soon be blooming, so…

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Crustless Quiche

Crustless Quiche by Carolinaheartstrings

March is here! Does that mean spring is just around the corner? We sure hope so. This month at Carolina HeartStrings we decided to celebrate “wearing of the green” with some really yummy Irish dishes and since Easter is just around the corner too we thought we would use one of my favorite things in recipes. . . . . . . eggs! I…

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Leprechaun Bites

Leprechaun Bites by Laurie Alves

A cute little Pastry for St Patricks Day! A Sweet Meringue Bite with a Mint Cream Filling

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