Okra Salad

Okra Salad by Carolinaheartstrings

This is our last picnic recipe for June. We have really enjoyed serving up items that are summertime-friendly and hope you make this and several other recipes. Post us a comment and let us know which ones you’ve tried!

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Vegetable Shrimp Pasta Salad

Vegetable Shrimp Pasta Salad by Carolinaheartstrings

Summertime. Picnic time. Time for a cold pasta salad. This is a wonderful salad to take on a picnic, easy to make and pack in your basket or perfect for your backyard BBQ/picnic. It is a great accompaniment to a nice juicy burger or this wonderful recipe for grilled corn on the cob. If you have any leftovers this is even better…

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Spinach Soup with Lemon and Sour Cream

Spinach Soup with Lemon and Sour Cream by Carolinaheartstrings

This month’s Improv Challenge hosted by Kristen from Frugal Antics of Harried Homemaker required the participants to use lemon and sour cream. Two things I love! Lemon is can be such a unique flavor when added to a main dish meal and sour cream, well . . . . . .. enough said. I put my thinking cap on and came up with this zesty,…

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Roasted Vegetables with Lemon Pasta

Roasted Vegetables with Lemon Pasta by Carolinaheartstrings

I received a whole box of cooking and baking goodies for Christmas from my wonderful daughter-in-law and son. One of the many treats was grape seed oil. I was so excited. I have been wanting to try this. Mine has lemon in it and I could not wait to use it. What a light wonderful flavor it has! Perfect for just about anything.…

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Simple Savory Vegetable Soup

Simple Savory Vegetable Soup by Carolinaheartstrings

Wow is this soup good, hearty and simple and best of all low calorie and low fat! This month we are focusing on eating healthier and this soup is the perfect way to accomplish that. I opened my fridge and used the vegetables I had on hand. You could add, substitute and use your favorites. There is nothing better than a big bowl…

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Sweet Potato Nutella Rolls

Sweet Potato Nutella Rolls by Carolinaheartstrings

Okay, okay I admit it. I am a Nutella junkie. I have to be very careful and eat it sparingly, but I do, occasionally as a treat and I have to also admit that I generally just eat it on a spoon. Why waste time with some other vehicle for this ooey gooey goodness. I have not delved into the world of baking with Nutella. Until now.…

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Sweet Potato Waffles

Sweet Potato Waffles by Carolinaheartstrings

We are celebrating the sweet potato crop here in North Carolina with a month of delicious recipes. What better way to begin the month then with one of my favorite breakfast foods. Waffles! This recipe is easy and tastes so good on a cool fall morning or when you decide to have breakfast for dinner. Drizzle maple syrup and pecans…

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