Baking Bread in a Cast Iron Dutch Oven and a No-Knead Recipe

Baking Bread in a Cast Iron Dutch Oven and a No-Knead Recipe by myra byanka

For those of you who want to bake bread in a cast iron Dutch oven, there is so much misinformation out there that I wrote Lodge to get the low-down. Here was the reply: Hi Myra, Thank you for taking time to inquire about this. The black seasoned…

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Buttermilk White Sandwich Bread

Buttermilk White Sandwich Bread by myra byanka

Tried this recipe the other day and it turned out delicious. Kneading is required.

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Easy Pizza Dough

Easy Pizza Dough by myra byanka

My favorite for ease of preparation and taste.

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Buttermilk Dinner Rolls

Buttermilk Dinner Rolls by myra byanka

Fluffy, soft yeast rolls. Will freeze well.

3 votes
Honey Wheat Bread

Honey Wheat Bread by myra byanka

This easy prep bread requires a few minutes of kneading, but bakes into a beautiful loaf that I like to make tuna or chicken salad sandwiches with, or just have as toast at breakfast. It will last in the bread box up to 3 days. Easily doubles and freezes.

2 votes
Almost No Knead Pizza Dough for Untra Thin Crust

Almost No Knead Pizza Dough for Untra Thin Crust by myra byanka

I've been reading books lately on pizza, searching for a thin crust recipe. While Chicago- style is great, I also like pizza with very few toppings and a cracker-like Neopolitan crust. After trying several recipes, I saw one the Pioneer Woman demonstrated on tv which is perfect. I'm sure all the kneading and other stuff people do to…

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Sour Cream Yeast Dinner Rolls

Sour Cream Yeast Dinner Rolls by myra byanka

A minimum knead recipe for delicious, slighty sweet, soft rolls that kids will love, too.

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Soft Hamburger/Hot Dog Buns

Soft Hamburger/Hot Dog Buns by myra byanka

Came out a nice golden color, soft, moist, and perfect for burgers and franks.

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Buttermilk Sourdough Biscuits

Buttermilk Sourdough Biscuits by myra byanka

Fabulous recipe I found in "Southern Living" recently. If you want to start your own starter, see links. I only use mine every few weeks or so, and it's still fine after 2 years. I just take it from the fridge, pour off the liquid that forms at the top (hootch), and feed it.

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Cheese Scallion Bread (No Knead)

Cheese Scallion Bread (No Knead) by myra byanka

This is a great bread for sandwiches, toast (with flavored cream cheese - yum!). Use extra sharp cheddar for best flavor.

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