Thai Fish Curry or Kaeng Khieu Wan Pla

Thai Fish Curry or Kaeng Khieu Wan Pla by Spicie Foodie

A very quick meal to use green curry paste with, Kaeng Khieu Wan Pla or green curry of fish.This hassle free dish is a great dinner year round. In addition to the ease involved in this meal, it's also a healthy dinner,because fish is lower in calories than meat and it's cooked without oil. .....

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Kero-Keropi Twin-Pasta

Kero-Keropi Twin-Pasta by Blackswan

Almost all kids dislike vegetables & my son was no exception when he was younger. Try creating fanciful cartoon characters to divert their attention, it always work. I would use lots of vegetables & “mould” them into cute little shapes to add them to my son’s dishes those days. I haven’t made these cartoon stuff for a long time as…

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