Moroccan Preserved Lemons

Moroccan Preserved Lemons by Amos Miller

Moroccan preserved lemons are an absolute necessity to complete dishes from salads to tagines (stews). Extremely easy to make, adding a unique flavor and texture to the dish, I have kept preserved lemons for as long as a year in the 'fridge without any problem. After all, you're basically talking about lemon juice and salt. But you…

4 votes
Preserved Lemons

Preserved Lemons by Bob Vincent

Our Meyer lemon tree is packed with lemons now. This tree knows its job. It produces lemons year round. When life gives you lemons make preserved lemons. This formula is straight out of Claudia Roden's book Arabesque; a great book on the cuisine of Morocco, Turkey and Lebanon. The amount of lemons and juice needed will depend…

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