Breakfast Tacos (or Tostados)

Breakfast Tacos (or Tostados) by Salad Foodie

Cinco de Mayo gives everyone an excuse to eat Mexican food for breakfast....or brunch....or dinner! A full recipe below makes 12 generous-size tacos or tostados. Two tacos is ample for most folks! Based on a recipe from

2 votes
Mushrooms with Chipotle Chilies

Mushrooms with Chipotle Chilies by Robyn Savoie

Chipotle chilies are jalapeños that have been smoke-dried. Their smoky flavor is the perfect foil for the mushrooms in this simple side dish.

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Mexican Black Bean Salad

Mexican Black Bean Salad by Peanut Butter and Peppers

A colorful, healthy salad that can be put together in a matter of minutes. Perfect for a side dish or as a taco filling.

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A Giveaway and homemade Mexican Chorizo

A Giveaway and homemade Mexican Chorizo by Spicie Foodie

I'm happy to announce my first giveaway to go along with this recipe. First we'll talk about the recipe then the giveaway. Chorizo, when Europeans hear this word they think of a fermented cured red sausage. But when North Americans hear chorizo they think of a crumbly meat red sausage. Spanish chorizo and Mexican chorizo are very…

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Beef Tacos

Beef Tacos by "Cheffie Cooks"

Easy and quick Beef Tacos for lunch or supper any day! We love both crunchy taco shells and soft tortillas.

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Lentil Chicken Quesadilla

Lentil Chicken Quesadilla by Laura Aridgides

Lentils, brown rice, and chicken make this yummy version of quesadilla!

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Tequila Chicken with Plantain Croutons

Tequila Chicken with Plantain Croutons by The Gourmet Girl

The plantain croutons and tortilla bowl give this light salad just enough crunch to keep you 'happy.' A nice alternative recipe for Cinqo de Mayo.

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Chicken Taco

Chicken Taco by Jo

Combined a fish taco and chicken taco recipe idea and really liked it!

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Budget Tacos

Budget Tacos by Gretchen Wasniewski

This is a great way to stretch your taco meat and it's healthy too! Who knew you could hide so many vegetables in a taco!

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Stove Top Spanish Rice

Stove Top Spanish Rice by Patsy Thompson

This is a quick an easy rice dish that can be made in minutes. This dish can be served with tacos or other Mexican dishes. You could add hamburger meat to the dish and make it a complete meal.

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Easy Mexican Skillet Dinner

Easy Mexican Skillet Dinner by Candice Goodyear

I know I copied this recipe from someone or somewhere but can't seem to be able to find it again on here or on the net. I thought I had gotten it from Nicole Sherman and Collie's Kitchen but couldn't find it on her page either would like to give credit where credit is very WELL deserved. I copy and pasted it exactly how I found it so…

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T's Taco Salad

T's Taco Salad by Patrick Travis

A little more complex than most taco salads but I think this is worth the extra effort. Wherever peppers or chili power is called out, feel free to increase or decrease the amounts to suit your pallet.

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Tomatillo and Chicken Burrito

Tomatillo and Chicken Burrito by Charlene Cole Ribaudo

I purchased some green tomatillos and was going to make a tomatillo salsa but then it was dinner time and well, you all know how that goes. Here is spicy burrito that is quick and easy to make. If you're not into tomatillos you can omit them. I always use organic ingredients.

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Mighty Migas

Mighty Migas by Mellie Duffy

This is a tweaked version of Rachael Ray's recipe. I omitted the meat, substituted canned tomatoes & chiles instead of fresh, & plain fat-free yogurt for sour cream

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Steak Tacos

Steak Tacos by Kathleen

This is a family favorite. The original recipe came from Bon Appetit but has evolved over the years to suit our taste. It is a great week night meal because it doesn't require any marinading time and once you have the steak sliced it cooks fairly quickly. I serve these tacos with all the usually things like shredded cheese, sour…

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