Sop Iga Sapi

Sop Iga Sapi by katalog-kuliner

Bumbu I: 3 cm jahe, dikeprek 3 cm kayu manis 2 buah pekak 4 butir kapulaga 2 butir kaldu blok 1/4 buah pala, dikeprek garam secukupnya Bumbu II: 8 buah bawang putih 5 buah bawang merah

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Lapis Surabaya (Spiku)

Lapis Surabaya (Spiku) by Christine

Indonesia's signature layer cake, Lapis Surabaya or Spiku, is so dear to most of Indonesians. The cake is commonly used for the base cake of decorated wedding and birthday cakes in Indonesia. Usually, the original recipe of Lapis Surabaya would require lots of egg yolks for the cake batter but the one that I found in my cooking…

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