Kheemah Kheemah Kheehah Chamelion

Kheemah Kheemah Kheehah Chamelion by kathy gori

Ok, I'm sure I'm dating myself with that one. I remember when I was dancing around with one earring and big hair and leggings and I hadn't yet started cooking Indian food. But that's another tale for another time. Boy George aside... A got an email from a Facebook friend in the UK the other night. Evidently someone had gifted her and…

4 votes
Squash In A Spice Paste Done Pronto!

Squash In A Spice Paste Done Pronto! by kathy gori

This has been one hell of a week, one of those 7 day stretches that includes everything on lifes' smorgey...except dental. Of course the week's not over yet. It's been a week of some nerves, some loss, some traveling, some stress and the general sense of just being unable to catch up. That said, I can't wait for Monday to start the…

2 votes
World Class Tomato Salad For A World Cup Final Match

World Class Tomato Salad For A World Cup Final Match by kathy gori

All Saturday before the World Cup was to be played I had Tapas on my mind. Maybe it was Spain being in the finals, maybe it was that psychic octopus from the German zoo. Who knows why one gets tapas on the brain, but there they were. So did that make me go on a quest for tapas? No. It did make me go looking for a recipe for that days'…

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