Simple Classic Sponge Cake

Simple Classic Sponge Cake by shruthisingh4

Baking a perfect sponge may be a real challenge to most of us first timers..You may have been through this a number of times, or even heard people tell you before...:“My cake did not rise at all..! It was one big mess,Dense,hard and tasteless. It rose well in the oven,it also smelled heavenly, only to fall flat as soon as it was out.…

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Peanut Butter Browndies

Peanut Butter Browndies by Hina Gujral

Talking about these gorgeous Browndies, now you must be thinking what the hell is Browndie, so here's the story for you... When I put them in the oven for baking till then they were suppose to be Blondies but then I got a call from my friend and by the time I checked my oven these ladies looked nowhere near Blondies, when my husband…

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