How to mae black garlic

How to mae black garlic by chefgonin

On several occasions have you heard of black garlic and its almost miraculous properties for our body, but ...... You know it is and as it occurs ?. The black garlic is produced for the first time in Japan. Apparently a scientist began researching how to reduce the strong smell of common garlic ( Allium sativum ), so one of the…

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Kuskara by Deepti Naik

This is a great snack/breakfast and a good use of left over Chapatis/Rotis. This is also known as Kuskara and Fodnichi poli. This is a typical Maharashtrian Dish (From Western Indian state of Maharashtra) Inspiration for this recipe came from my mom. Anytime we have enough left over Chapatis, we used to get Kuskara for snacks.…

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