Sweet Potato Balls

Sweet Potato Balls by MyWeekend Plan

You won’t resist the jolly-looking, golden sweet potato balls. Just using an AirFryer, you could prepare these delicious sweet potato balls without much oil and sugar!

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Dark Chocolate Pudding

Dark Chocolate Pudding by MyWeekend Plan

Chocolate pudding from scratch is incredibly easy to make and tastes far superior to store-bought pudding. The soft, creamy, and sweet taste of dark chocolate on a sunny day will surely make it worthwhile. This easy dark chocolate pudding recipe is simply too hard to resist. Go ahead and give it a go!

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Chocolate Chip Scone

Chocolate Chip Scone by MyWeekend Plan

Rich in flavour and ever so tender, these chocolate chip scones will melt in your mouth instantly! Sweet and loaded with delicious chocolate chips, scones are easy to make. They are slightly sweet, crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside if done properly that is!

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Crispy Banana Cheese Toast

Crispy Banana Cheese Toast by MyWeekend Plan

The Crispy Banana Cheese Toast is amazingly easy to make and taste just as amazing! It’s crispy outer skin, with bursting cheesy goodness inside is so satisfying.

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