How to mae black garlic

How to mae black garlic by chefgonin

On several occasions have you heard of black garlic and its almost miraculous properties for our body, but ...... You know it is and as it occurs ?. The black garlic is produced for the first time in Japan. Apparently a scientist began researching how to reduce the strong smell of common garlic ( Allium sativum ), so one of the…

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Sweet and Savory Asian Chicken Wings

Sweet and Savory Asian Chicken Wings by Jane Evans Bonacci

Wings can be baked, roasted, grilled, or fried. The most common version is Buffalo Wings, soaked in hot sauce and deep fried. I like the flavor of them but the heat doesn’t work for everyone so I prefer to serve this version. You can bake the wings as I’ve written, or you can grill them on a barbecue. Marinate as directed and cook on…

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