World Cup Cabbage. Quick, Easy and Comforting When You Don't Make The Late Goal.

World Cup Cabbage. Quick, Easy and Comforting When You Don't Make The Late Goal. by kathy gori

I have to be honest here. I've never watched a soccer game. Basketball has always been my sport. The only reason that I've never really watched soccer is because like most citizens of the US of A, the TV machine has never told me to. But all of a…

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Creamy Cauliflower And Lakers Magic!

Creamy Cauliflower And Lakers Magic! by kathy gori

One thing I love about fixing a tandoori chicken lunch is the simplicity. Once the chicken has been marinated, nothing goes better with this dish than a bread some pickled cucumbers and one veg. The most likely vegetable to find on my tandoori table is cauliflower. Especially when I can get a beautiful organic one for 99 cents!…

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Green Beans With Someting Extra! Plus A Giveaway!

Green Beans With Someting Extra! Plus A Giveaway! by kathy gori

I never was a big green bean fan growing up. Mainly because the beans I was usually served weren't green at all but rather grey and flabby, the 90 pound weaklings of beans. They didn't look like they were full of vitamins and raring to go to work on my system but rather as though they'd spent their short bean life couch-surfing and…

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Smoke Your Yogurt!

Smoke Your Yogurt! by kathy gori

Ever since I was a kid, I've been a sucker for flamboyant table gestures. You know what I'm talking about. The Caesar salad made at the table, the flaming Cherries Jubilee, the blazing Baked Alaska, all those guys at Benihana flinging sharp knives around. Drama! So it was the gesture I was looking for last night. Paula Wolfert was…

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Channa Masala

Channa Masala by John Spottiswood

This is one of my favorite Indian vegetarian dishes. I always load up on a few helpings when I'm at the buffet! Chick-peas are great for you, and filling too. This fabulous recipe is adapted from a classic by Madhur Jaffrey. I made it a bit more healthy. Use more butter and less oil if you want a richer flavor and don't care…

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Gujarati Vegetables With Lime And Cilantro!

Gujarati Vegetables With Lime And Cilantro! by kathy gori

Ever since Paula Wolfert gave me a Clay Coyote Flameware skillet the other day, I've been jonesing to use it. However, at the same time I got the skillet, I also got all inspired to fix some meatless Indian raw salads that I'd learned of from a cookbook she'd also given me. I kept staring at the beautiful Flameware skillet up on the…

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The Raw And The Uncooked, A Meatless Monday Special

The Raw And The Uncooked, A Meatless Monday Special by kathy gori

I'm loving this whole meatless Monday business. It's great to take a break from the same old same old. One of my food blogger friends Jeroxie at Addictive and Consuming, had a post up last night where she was describing some simply divine potato and pea samosas made with filo dough. I had no business reading it at that hour as I was…

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The Great Spinach Switch. A Fast Easy Lighter Version Of An Old Favorite

The Great Spinach Switch. A Fast Easy Lighter Version Of An Old Favorite by kathy gori

Still getting whipped around by the weather here in Sonoma. We've gone from perfect warm spring weather to hail and rain, to sun lashed by cloudbursts and windy gusts. Last night my little olive tree blew over. Time to replant. This morning it's crisp,…

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One Pot Rice And Dal Combo. Another Simple Indian Party Dish

One Pot Rice And Dal Combo. Another Simple Indian Party Dish by kathy gori

My last few posts have been concentrated on the Tri-fecta extravaganza we held for my parents last week; toss in Easter and we had the Godmother of all Italian dinners. So now it's back to Indian cuisine and one of the dishes I served two weeks ago…

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Eat Your Lawn!

Eat Your Lawn! by kathy gori

There was a very fancy Chinese restaurant in Beverly Hills . One of the specialties was referred to as "fried greens". All the beautiful people would practically line up to make reservations and order the "fried greens". A secret recipe, they never told anybody what it was. Then one day someone mentioned how every Friday all the…

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Creamed Spinach With An Edge

Creamed Spinach With An Edge by kathy gori

I was a weird kid. I loved spinach. It was always my favorite vegetable and I probably could have eaten it three times a day. I'm talking regular steamed spinach here, nothing fancy, no extras. My family is Italian from Florence and if there's anything a Florentine loves, it's spinach! We put it in soup, ravioli, torta and of course…

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Beet It!

Beet It! by kathy gori

Yesterday I was over the moon that I'd found a new South Asian Market here in Sonoma county. As I think I'd mentioned before we have only ONE Indian market in the entire county and they're not always the best stocked. It's the thing I do miss about Los Angeles. Ready access to good ethnic grocers. I needed to go over to Santa Rosa…

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How Dry I Am

How Dry I Am by kathy gori

Yesterday I posted a recipe that is considered a "wet" Vegetarian dish. So if the cauliflower is considered wet than what might you ask is "dry"? Dry is anything that has less of a liquid sauce, more of a thick sauce that clings to the vegetables, or many times spices and seasonings that roast onto them. I still had eggplants in the…

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Hot n' Sizzling Baby Eggplants!

Hot n' Sizzling Baby Eggplants! by kathy gori

As you may have gathered earlier, I love eggplants. There are so many varieties, shapes, sizes and colors when encountering them I can never resist. Yesterday, at the Farmers Market here in Sonoma one of our booths had the most beautiful long slender Japanese eggplants. In my early days of Indian cooking, since I was a vegetarian I…

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Carrots Aren't Just For Rabbits!

Carrots Aren't Just For Rabbits! by kathy gori

When planning any meal it's important to have the right mix of dishes on the table. It's like writing, having all the words in the right place is what makes the difference. An Indian meal is no exception, the proper balance of hot and mild, wet and dry, sweet and tart, soft and crunchy is important. That's where Carrot Salad comes in!…

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