Homemade Cranberry-Apple Sauce

Homemade Cranberry-Apple Sauce by Skinny Kitchen with Nancy Fox

If some people at your Thanksgiving dinner like cranberry sauce and others prefer applesauce this recipe just might work for you... We decided to take these two wonderful sauce flavors and combine them into one delicious sauce. Weight Watchers POINTS value 1 Skinny Facts: for a ¼ cup serving 80 calories, 0g fat, 0g protein,…

6 votes

Avgolemono by Carolinaheartstrings

This week the international destination that I am travelling to is Greece! Oh to go to Greece for real! Definitely one of my top 5 wishes. Luckily though I am just walking distance from a wonderful restaurant that has served our town since 1973. It was at The Continental Corner that I was first introduced to this sauce –…

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