Breakfast Pizza - Egg, Sausage, Onions and Peppers

Breakfast Pizza - Egg, Sausage, Onions and Peppers by Denise Sherin

Breakfast Pizzas are so great. You can make them with what ever you have on hand or left overs you want to use up... For the sauce base here I used tomato sauce. But for a lot of our breakfast pizzas I use Alfredo sauce, salsas, Salsa con queso it depends on what kind of toppings we are using. We have also used Sausage gravy,…

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Bacon and Eggs English Muffin Breakfast Pizzas

Bacon and Eggs English Muffin Breakfast Pizzas by Denise Sherin

My son calls these Breakfast Pizza Yum-Yums. He loves them. These are so easy to make using packaged Real Bacon crumbles not bacon bits. You can use breakfast sausage instead of bacon, change it up anyway you like and they are still tasty. Great for breakfast or lunch.

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French Style Egg Salad Sandwich

French Style Egg Salad Sandwich by RecipesnFood

French Style Egg Salad Sandwiches are some of the easiest sandwiches in the world to make, especially if you have some hard boiled eggs sitting around in the fridge (like around Easter).

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NOODLES WITH EGG SAUCE by Priyanka Bhattacharjee

I love having noodles. During my childhood noodles would be our morning breakfast on Sundays and till we follow the same as a custom. And the Sunday noodles was generally made by Baba. And that used to be ultimate. Now that I am away from my parents I miss my Sunday breakfast but every week I have noodles at least 2 times :P. And…

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