Whole Wheat Mocha Muffins

Whole Wheat Mocha Muffins by Hina Gujral

I think I am obsessed with whole wheat and everyday I try my best to reduce the usage of white flour in my kitchen to minimal, we have switched to whole wheat breads, pasta, noodles, cookies, pizzas and now muffins and to my surprise there is not much difference in taste. If you want you can substitute whole-wheat flour with equal…

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Eggless Chocolate Brownies

Eggless Chocolate Brownies by Hina Gujral

While baking brownies few things always play crucial role, first try to use good quality chocolate as it is going to define the taste and texture of brownie and also do not bake brownies for too like, if the tester comes out with little crumbs it is absolutely fine, nobody minds a little gooey and fudgy brownie rather than dry and…

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