The Incredible healthy, crunchy, chewy & yummy Granola Cookie

The Incredible healthy, crunchy, chewy & yummy Granola Cookie by Annette Vlahos

An extremely healthy cookie that is Gluten Free, Dairy Free & Vegan with granola raisin, cranberry cookie filled with "Cake" spices. Check out the nutritional information and eat without the guilt!

2 votes
Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies by Jesika Feldman

The first gluten free recipe I tried really developing myself was Chocolate Chip Cookies. By this I mean studying a bunch of different recipes, seeing what I thought worked best, and making my own recipe out of them. I've tried so many packaged gluten free chocolate chip cookie mixes and there's always some aspect that dissatisfying…

1 vote